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Keynotes from Head of Department

Assalamualaikun warahmatullahi wabarakatuh dan Salam Sejahtera
Praise be to Allah S.W.T and peace be upon you to our beloved Prophet Muhammad and his family and friends. Mechanical Engineering Department is one of the main departments of Politeknik Ungku Omar (PUO) with more than 91 staff. Ungku Omar Polytechnic was established in the year 1969 by the Malaysian Ministry of Education, aided by UNESCO. The Department of Mechanical Engineering is one of six other departments involved in helping PUO produce a part-time professional graduate. The Mechanical Department is headed by a Head of Department with the help of 91  academic staff and 7 non-academic staff. Mechanical Engineering Department offers 4 Diploma Programs namely Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (DKM), Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Air and Refrigeration Refrigeration, DPU), Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Automotive, DAD) and Diploma in Mechatronics Engineering (DEM). Recently, a degree program offered is Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering Technology (Supply Chain Management). With complete infrastructure, JKM is able to become a knowledge bringer for its students as well as providing the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills, especially the most needed soft skills in various careers. In addition, more productive collaborations can be made between academia, students and industries, especially in the areas of research, development and commercialization as well as the sharing of the latest technologies in teaching and learning. JKM strives to produce holistic graduates with entrepreneurship skills, innovative, creative and balance. We also encourage students to be active in the field of co-curriculum and community activities. Along with today's technology developments, lecturers are encouraged to diversify their teaching methods, especially online learning. This change should be made so that the learning and teaching process can attract students and remain relevant in the education world. It is hoped that JKM will continue to produce more innovative, proactive, competitive and skilled graduates in the future, InsyaAllah.
Head of Mechanical Engineering Department
Politeknik Ungku Omar

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